District Profile

District Chitrakoot falls under the Central Plateau & Hills Region (Bundelkhand) agro-climatic zone. The Bundelkhand agro-climatic zone has been divided into four agro-ecological situations on the basis of soil type viz., sandy, clay, sandy loam and silty clay. District Chitrakoot lies between Lat. 24° 48′ to 25° 12′ N and Lang. 80° 58′ to 81° 34′ E with total population of 991,730 (2011 Census) and literacy 65.07%. The average family size as er census was 5.92. The total geographical area of the district is 3399 sq km. The total reported area of the district is 338897 ha and gross cropped area was 182329 ha. The net sown area covered 156532 ha and only 25797 ha area sown more than ones in a year. The cropping intensity was 116.48 % up to 2018-19. Net irrigated area was 86041 ha comprising 54.97% area. Per capita income-Rs. 56402 and per ha income is Rs.43869.53 on local rates. 127736 (71.44%) farmers belongs to marginal categories covering 27.35 % area of the district. 29620 (16.57%) farmers belongs to small categories covering 22.27 % area. The average land holding of the district is 1.03 ha. 178797 farm family habituating in the district Chitrakoot. 86000 persons engaged as agricultural laborers,12000 are engaged in Household Industries, 2000 Workers engaged in Allied Agro-activities and 51000 workers are depend upon other activities.

District Chitrakoot is characterized by its backwardness, poverty, illiteracy, soil erosion and low productivity, along with other socio-economic cultural constraints like "Anna Pratha" and uneconomical land holdings.. There is a non-significant area under horticultural crop cultivation and livestock productivity is very low.Cropping systems fallowed by farmers of the district are Rice- wheat, Fallow-chick pea/lentil. Til-Lentil/ Chick pea


  • No timely availability of quality seed
  • Non availability of Short duration varieties and stress tolerant varieties
  • Less utilization of diversification system
  • No use of micro irrigation techniques
  • Poor disease mgt in crops and livestock
  • No Integrated Nutrient Management
  • Poor approach for Breed improvement, health and fodder management resulted Anna pratha
  • No availability of Feed and water quality management in fish culture
  • Poor availability of value addition techniques for employment generation
  • Not availability of assured rates/price of farmers produces.


  • Sustain the productivity and area of crop under rain-fed and irrigated cropping situation and doubling the farmer income by 2022.
  • Promote organic farming for conservation of soil fertility and sustainable production.
  • Develop a profitable integrated farming model to create income generation opportunities as per district strength.
  • Generate employment opportunities amongst rural youth through long-term vocational training for in the area of livestock, fisheries, horticulture, processing & value addition and pearl culture with a view to achieve tangible results.
  • Increase livestock production and avoid anna pratha through better management and breeding up to 20-30%.
  • Link and promote seed production units for major crops/vegetables/fish to meet the demand of the farming community.

Technological option –

  • Seed production and processing infrastructure reduced seed scarcity
  • Successful diversification system developed at KVK for different farming system
  • Micro irrigation infrastructure provided under different government schemes
  • Employment generation through Live stoc, poultry and goatary
  • Soil test based Integrated Nutrient Management for cost minimization and soil health mgt.
  • Artificial insemination for breed improvement and establishment of gaushala at village level
  • Training and finance available for processing and value addition for utilization of local produce and income generation

District Profile

A. Cropping pattern:

(a) Soil

Sl.No. Soil type Fertility level Water holding capacity (%)
1 Sandy loam Very poor 8
2 Clay Poor 13
3 Loam Good 10
4 Silty clay Fair 12

(b) Crop rotation

Fallow Gram + Linseed
Paddy Wheat +Mustard/Gram
Fallow Wheat
Fallow Lentil + Mustard +Gram
Fallow Lentil + Mustard +Linseed
Fruit & vegetables Limited area under cultivation.

(c) Climate (Last 5 Years)

Annual rainfall 675 mm to 1100 mm.
Maximum temp. 46-480C.
Minimum temp. 3-40C.

B. Livestock and fisheries

Sl.No. Animal Breed Production (Litre/day)
1 Buffalo Deshi/Murrah 5-6
2 Cow Deshi 2-3
3 Goat Deshi 0.5

1. District Profile Data:

Preliminary information regarding the district:

Total Geographical Area (Sq.km) 3399
No. of Sub Divisions 4
No. of Blocks 5
No. of Villages (Inhabited) 561
No. of Panchayats 47
Total Area Reported 338897
Forest Land 59767
Area Not Available for Cultivation 31920
Saline and not suitable for agriculture 19153
Permanent Pasture and Grazing Land 48
Land under Miscellaneous Tree Crops 22132
Cultivable Wasteland 13051
Current Fallow 28093
Other Fallow 8201
Net Sown Area 156532
Total or Gross Cropped Area 182329
Area Cultivated More than Once 25797
Cropping Inensity [GCA/NSA] 1.16
Cultivators 178797
Of the above, Small/Marginal Farmers 157356
Agricultural Labourers 86000
Workers engaged in Household Industries 12000
Workers engaged in Allied Agro-activities 2000
Other workers 51000
Total Households 360000
Rural Households 324000
BPL Households 8000
Total Area Available for Irrigation (NIA + Fallow) 86041
Irrigation Potential Created 44958
Net Irrigated Area(Total area irrigated at least once) 86041
Area irrigated by Canals / Channels 16802
Area irrigated by Wells 20484
Area irrigated by Tanks 8575
Area irrigated by Other Sources 70
Irrigation Potential Utilized (Gross Irrigated Area) 49593
Milk (Chilling/Cooling/Processing) 5000
Category of animal Total
Cattle - Cross bred 2513
Cattle – Indigenous 418819
Buffaloes 183298
Sheep - Cross bred 8
Sheep – Indigenous 20205
Goat 125317
Pig - Cross bred 209
Pig – Indigenous 10479
Horse/Donkey/Camel 348
Poultry 27789
Agro-climatic Zone Central Plateau & Hills Region (Bundelkhand)
Climate Dry sub-humid to dry-arid
Soil Type Mixed red and black
Rainfall [in mm]  
Classification of Holding Nos. % to Total Ha. % to Total
<= 1 HA 127736 71.44 50246 27.35
>1 to <=2 Ha 29620 16.57 40910 22.27
>2 Ha 21441 11.99 92541 50.38
>Total 178797   183697  
10. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE [in '000] as census 2011
Category Total Male Female Rural Urban
Population 990.626 527.101 463.525 896 94.626
Scheduled Caste 210 111 99 196 14
Scheduled Tribe 0 0 0 0 0
Literate 544.866 338.479 206.387 492.819 52.047
BPL 446 255 191    
Fertiliser/Seed/Pesticide Outlets [Nos] 95 Agriculture Pumpsets[Nos] 669
Total N/P/K Consumption [MT] 8457 Pumpsets Energised [Nos] 544
Certified Seeds Supplied [MT]   Agro Service Centres [Nos] 17
Pesticides Consumed [MT]   Soil Testing Centres [Nos] 1
Pesticides Consumed [MT]   Soil Testing Centres [Nos] 1
Agriculture Tractors [Nos] 2696 Plantation nurseries [Nos  
Power Tillers [Nos]   Farmers' Clubs [Nos] 179
Threshers/Cutters [Nos] 3500 Krishi Vigyan Kendras[Nos] 1
12. Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district -
Crop Area(ha) Production (MT) Area(ha) Production (MT) Productivity (Qtl /ha)
Paddy 13448 25578 18000 16292 19.02 16.10
Sorghum 32370 30428 16093 13677 9.4 8.5
Pigeon pea 28540 - 16106 22064 - 13.70
Bajra 13509 20264 7845 8314 15 10.60
Til 6850 118 11134 210 1.68 1.85
Wheat 54500 60877 50083 138999 11.17 27.75
Barley 4593 7897 4507 14627 17.19 32.45
Mustard 3794 2201 2491 2090 5.8 8.39
Linseed 492 285 650 640 5.79 9.85
Gram 45595 10395 42597 52062 2.38 12.22
Lentil 17073 2151 32614 32228 1.26 9.88
Field pea 442 78 627 653 1.78 10.41
Veterinary Hospitals/Dispensaries [Nos] 16 Fishermen Societies [Nos] 6
Pashu seva Centres [Nos] 11 Fish seed farms [Nos] 3
Artificial Insemination Centers [Nos] 23 Fish Markets [Nos] 2
Animal Breeding Farms [Nos] 1 Milk Collection Centres [Nos] 1
Animal Markets [Nos] 2    
Fish Production [MT] 1861 Per cap avail. [gm/day]  
Egg Production [Lakh Nos] 14.5 Per cap avail. [nos/p.a.] 2
Milk Production ['000 MT] 92.9 Per cap avail. [gm/day] 332
Meat Production [MT] 365 Per cap avail. [gm/day] 476